07.12.2012  Public Information Centre of Novovoronezh NPP

Novovoronezh NPP: Vladimir Povarov Meets with PlantХs Employees in Frame of Awareness Days

Novovoronezh NPP held a single ТAwareness DayУ. Novovoronezh NPP Director, Vladimir Povarov, has met with the plantХs divisionsХ employees.

The meeting participants watched a video recording of speech of Sergey Kiriyenko, General Director of Rosatom State-owned Corporation, at II Conference ТRosatom PeopleУ, which took place in Moscow on November 16 and 17. The management of the State-owned Corporation, divisions and key enterprises, directors and heads of HR services of enterprises summed up the last year Memorandum implementation and formed a project for next year.

Among the success of the last year, Sergey Kiriyenko mentioned the achievements in informing the staff. Namely such a task was defined as critical for 2012. The success was achieved thanks to the personal involvement of directors of enterprises and coordinated work of HR and PR services at all levels. Not all the goals set a year a go, says the general director in his video message, have been implemented in full. Sergey Kiriyenko stressed that in 2013 it would be necessary to get involved in the work with a vengeance for the implementation of the new Memorandum and strive for 100 % realization of the formed goals. 

The main topic of speech of Vladimir Povarov in the Awareness Day was a visit of RF Prime Minister, Dmitry Medvedev, to Novovoronezh II under construction and the 5th upgraded unit of the operating plant. Novovoronezh NPP director stressed that the Prime Minister was satisfied with what he had seen. The issues of promoting domestic nuclear technologies abroad and application of the best practices of the nuclear industry in the civilian sector and a number of other issues were considered at the meeting of the Presidium of the Presidential Council of the Russian Federation on economic modernization and innovative development of Russia held by Dmitry Medvedev at NVO NPP.

The information told by the director about the business meeting of Rosatom General Director, Sergey Kiriyenko, with heads of local governments of the nuclear industry cities held on October 30, 2012 and on signing on November 13 the Agreement between the Voronezh region Government and State Atomic Energy Corporation Rosatom aroused much interest of the audience.   
The agreement provides the creation of conditions for the successful operation of enterprises and organizations of the nuclear industry on the territories of Novovoronezh city and Kashirsky district, increase of the size of tax payments to the budget of the Voronezh region; development of the public-private partnership on the territory of municipal entities; staff training and retraining, including trades, for organizations and enterprises of the nuclear industry.

In particular, there appears an opportunity of the additional special-purpose funding of socially significant facilities and projects in atomic cities by using the potential of increasing in 2013 tax deductions of Rosatom enterprises to the budgets of entities. For Novovoronezh city, it is a construction of the modern sports complex.

Vladimir Povarov also spoke on personnel appointments, which took place at the Concern Rosenergoatom and Novovoronezh NPP.

The ТAwareness DayУ was held in the Large Hall of the city Palace of Culture, which seats 670 people. There were no vacant seats either in the hall or on the balcony, and people wishing to listen to the director were standing even in the gangways. The materials of the Single Awareness Day were posted on the internal web site of Novovoronezh NPP and plasma screens.  

The ТAwareness DayУ project is one of the forms of interaction of managers of the industry and enterprises with employees. It allows establishing a dialogue and feedback with the staff, creating a common understanding of those initiatives and processes, which are realized today in the industry and allows getting answers to questions.   

Novovoronezh NPP is a branch of Rosenergoatom Concern OJSC. The plant is situated on the bank of the Don river at 42 km south of Voronezh. It is the first NPP in Russia, which operates reactors of VVER-type (Vessel type Pressurized Water Reactor with light water under pressure). Each of the five plant reactors are prime Р a prototype of serial power reactors: No.1 power unit operates on VVER-210-type reactor, No.2 power unit Р VVER-365, No.3,4 power units Р VVER-440, No.5 power unit Р VVER-1000. 

At present, three power units are under operation (units 1 and 2 were stopped in 1984 and 1990, respectively).
Online data on the radiation environment near nuclear power plants in Russia and other nuclear facilities are provided on website www.russianatom.ru 

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