25.03.2013  Public Information Center of the Directorate of Leningrad NPP-2

Leningrad NPP-2: acceptance tests of the bridge crane with a loading capacity of 440 t went off successfully

On March 12 and 13, 2013 in a turbine hall of the Leningrad AES-2 static and dynamic tests of the bridge crane with a loading capacity of 440 t are carried out. Test loading made 550 and 137,5 tons respectively. Tests were carried out for the purpose of check the durability of the basic constructive elements of the crane, and also for checking the operation of all mechanisms and their brakes.

The structure of an inspection included representatives of the customer, the supplier, the assembly organization and supervisory authorities. Tests of the crane took place in a regular mode, with observance of all requirements of industrial safety.

Previously contract organizations carried out the main preparatory work Р crane installation, electric equipment installation, adjustment works. At all stages the works passed under continuous control of curator - divisions of  LAES-2, such as management of capital construction, shop of the centralized repair, electroshop, department of metals defectoscopy and technical control, department of commissioning.

The electric bridge crane with a loading capacity of 440 t is intended for movement of superheavy freights in a turbine hall of the first power unit. It should carry out load-lifting operations not only during construction (transportation of the equipment and pipelines to a regular place, including installation of generator stator  with total weight of 440 t, installation of the capital and service equipment) and during power unit operation (at repair of processing equipment and pipelines, including current, average and turbine plant overhaul), but also during the removal of nuclear power plant from operation.

For the period of performance installation and construction works the bridge crane will be leased by JSC MSU-90.

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