03.06.2011  Public Information Centre of Kola NPP

Kola NPP: 809.7 mln kWh of electric power were generated in May

In May, 2011 Kola NPP generated 809.7 mln of electric power. Since the beginning of 2011, 4779.1 mln kWh has been generated, that is 118 mln kWh more than for the respective period of the previous year.

Totally, over 340 bln kWh of electric power has been produced since the NPP commissioning.

As of June 2, the nuclear plant operates power unit Nos. 1, 2 and 4. In accordance with the dispatch schedule the plant load is equal to 1,053 mW. Power unit No. 3 is under scheduled repair with modernization being performed.

The radiation situation in the area of Kola NPP location and in the 30 km control area does not differ from the natural environmental background The radiation background at Kola nuclear power plant location does not exceed the natural environmental values.

Timely information about the radiation environment near Russian NPPs and other objects of the nuclear industry is given in the site www.russianatom.ru.

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