03.06.2011  Information and Public Relation Office of the Baltic NPP OJSC

Deputies of Kalinin Region Duma visited Baltic NPP

A group of Kaliningrad region Duma Deputies of the new fifth assembly, headed by Chairman Marina Orgeyeva, visited the construction site of Baltic NPP (Neman city) of Kaliningrad region.

At first Baltic NPP OJSC General Director Yury Shalimov, customer representative Р Deputy Director of Rosenergoatom Concern OJSC branch Direction of Baltic NPP Under Construction Sergey Sukhov and also Konstantin Maslikov, Chief Engineer of Kaliningrad branch Northern Construction Directorate OJSC functioning as preparation period general contractor, conducted a familiarization excursion on the facilities being constructed and then in the building of operational headquarters particularly answered all the questions the deputies were interested in.

The Deputies wondered in what way the commission of the most colossal facility in the region history would influence the district economy, if the plant infrastructure would be placed in the adjacent districts, in what way Kaliningrad enterprises and the region inhabitants would be involved into the construction, how the question of electric power sale would be solved, etc.

In addition, the deputies were concerned about the system of future NPP safety, beginning with the first stages of the construction, because last time those questions were frequently asked by the region inhabitants.

Konstantin Maslikov told them that the works of preparation period are being performed at the site, and each batch of materials and also concrete and cement was undergoing a three times test in the laboratories working at the site, which they possessed as general contractor and general customer, and permanent control was held by the specialists of ecological, technological and nuclear supervision (Rostekhnadzor), Rospotrebnadzor and SPbAEp Project Institute, guarding the territory.

According to Deputy Sergey Firsikov, attending the meeting, on the example of one of the enterprises located on the territory of his district, supplying the materials to the NPP, he personally assured himself that the expertise had been carried out in a proper way. 

Yury Shalimov noted that the NPP had been certified according to all the international rules and met all the regulations, among them set by IAEA. Specialists had performed the works on construction site selection for four years. Public hearings, as it was provided by the legislation, were held in Neman district.

As for social sphere, according to Shalimov, it was provided to construct a community of powermen in Neman city. Not less than 120 thousand square meters of dwelling, a school, children preschool establishments and health facilities, that were to serve not only atomists but also the citizens of Neman district, would be constructed there. All that will be noted in the plan of the municipal corporation development.

Summarizing the meeting results, Marina Orgeyeva underlined that an impressing work had been done for the year passed since foundation of the memorial sign in honor to the beginning of the NPP construction she had attended. It was extremely important for the new MPs of new assembly to see the way the work at the site was organized and make personally sure that the questions of safety were paid much attention to.

Aleksander Vetoshkin, LDPR Deputy, said that before that visit he had been against the NPP construction in Kaliningrad region, but now he had made sure that the nuclear plant would help the district confidently develop in the future and he was among its adherents.

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